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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Eating Healthy

We've all been there - wanting to shed those extra pounds, attempting a crash diet (and presumably caving in after a day or two). I realized early on that this really isn't a healthy habit for your body, and restricting myself to strange concoctions of lemon juice and cayenne pepper just sounded gross. Honestly, I'm too much of a food lover to do that to my poor taste buds!

Instead of cutting myself off from the food universe, I chose to research healthy recipes that tasted just as good as - if not better than - the not-so-healthy items I usually ate. For example, I used to eat Chick-Fil-A sandwiches at least once a week. I substituted a scrumptious grilled honey-mustard chicken sandwich (is your mouth watering yet?) and found that my stamina and overall tone has increased greatly since then. It's much easier to graduate towards healthier meals with flavor than it is to completely ban almost all foods! Keep in mind, I let myself splurge every once in a while - a girl's gotta satisfy her chocolate cravings at some point in time, or she'll go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!

Share your favorite healthy recipes in the comment bar below.


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